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CO-POWER logo with colors fading from blue to green

Lower your company's energy cost by >50% with CO-POWER

...with zero own effort or investment

Our core beliefs

Rooftop Solar-PV can substantially lower energy cost for businesses
Large-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS) located on-site generate phenomenal value through energy trading, ancillary services and local optimization
The combination of PV + BESS is the true champion, maximizing savings for businesses
Investment cost and effort to install and operate these systems is high and frankly
quite complicated

Companies should focus their money and attention on their core business and not
on energy optimization

CO-POWER reduces companies' energy costs through on-site solar PV and battery storage

Industrial building with PV on roof and battery energy storage system next to it
  • CO-POWER plans, finances, builds, owns, and operates on-site PV solar systems and battery storage solutions for commercial and industrial customers.

  • Customers have zero effort and own investment - they simply benefit from lower energy cost.

  • Locally generated PV power can be used on-site and is typically over 30% cheaper (as network charges, for example, are eliminated).

  • Battery storage is used both for local optimization (such as peak shaving or self-consumption optimization) and for energy trading.

  • Customers benefit from affordable PV power and free battery storage services.

"Full Service PV + BESS"

Basic concept

Offer details

CO-POWER installs and operates PV and battery energy storage systems (BESS) on-site at customers



No investment necessary – CO-POWER fully finances the systems



Customers benefit from affordable and green solar energy (>30% savings)



Large-scale BESS is used for multiple use cases, thereby further lowering energy cost for customers


1. PPA ("Power Purchase Agreement")

Battery Energy Storage System
Solar panel with a sun in the background

Solar PV



Customers purchase solar energy from CO-POWER through PPA "Power Purchase Agreement" (typically >30% savings as grid fees etc. are avoided)

CO-POWER uses BESS 1 to increase usable solar energy and provides energy to customers at same PPA price

2. Peak Shaving

Battery Energy Storage System

CO-POWER also uses BESS 1 for peakshaving, which is provided for free to the customer



3. Trading and Ancillary Services

Battery Energy Storage System

CO-POWER uses BESS 2 to participate in energy trading and ancillary services. This allows CO-POWER to offer benefits of BESS 1 for free to customers in most cases.



​Typical savings for customers ~50%

Alternative offer: "Full Service BESS"

BESS Multi-Use-Case

Battery Energy Storage System

CO-POWER uses BESS 2 to participate in energy trading and ancillary services. This allows CO-POWER to offer benefits of BESS 1 for free to customers in most cases.
Customers can also receive a share of BESS 2 revenues, if benefits from BESS 1 are not sufficient.



Battery Energy Storage System



If customer already has rooftop solar: CO-POWER uses BESS 1 for free self-consumption optimization and free peak shaving.

If customer does not have or want rooftop solar: CO-POWER uses BESS 1 for free peak shaving.

Percentage symbol in a circle that is half filled

~50% lower energy cost from day-1

Arrow pointing to the top right with a Euro sign above indicating increasing monetary value

Positive cashflow through roof lease and battery revenue participation

Form of a house with a closed loop indicating independence within the household

Energy cost certainty and higher autarky

Stop sign

Zero own investment 

Palm of a hand that holds soil out of which a plant is growing

Green footprint

Benefits for your company

Get in Touch

Co-Power Energy GmbH 

Wilhelmstraße 25

80801 Munich, Germany

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© Co-Power Finance 

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